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Purpose: The purpose of the MABA BCSW Research Award is to give funding towards a project that is committed to using behaviour analysis concepts and principles to promote environmentally friendly behaviours. Any project that will contribute to a better understanding of human behaviour and more sustainable practices will be considered.


Amount: $500


Deadline: September 21, 2018 (to fund a one-year project)


Eligibility: Must be a MABA member to apply


How to apply: Please submit a completed application form to


Selection Committee: All applications will be coded and reviewed by a committee of professionals appointed by the MABA executive.


Suggested readings: 


Heward, W. L., & Kimball, J. W. (2013, Spring/Summer). Sustaining sustainability with clueless contingencies. Sustain Magazine, 28, 4-15.


Heward, W. L., & Chance, P. (Guest Eds.). (2010) Special section: The human response to climate change: Ideas from behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst, 33, 145-206.


Heward, W. L. (2013). Behavior change for a sustainable world: Ultimate challenge and opportunity for behavior analysts. Inside Behavior Analysis, 5(1), 6-8.


Association for Behavior Analysis International. (August 2012). Behavior Change for a Sustainable World Conference Program.

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